5 Most Beautiful Natural Wonders of Germany
Ideal for a spontaneous excursion! Let yourself be enchanted by the following natural wonders – it is hard to believe that they can all be found in the same country!
Anyone who thinks that only distant countries and tropical islands can offer spectacular locations is seriously mistaken. Here are the most beautiful natural wonders of Germany for you at a glance!
Elbe Sandstone Mountains, Saxon Switzerland, Saxony
Saxon Switzerland, with its impressive and idiosyncratic rock formations, in which rocks, gorges, and caves alternate with green forests, is one of the most impressive landscapes in Germany and can easily keep up with international natural wonders. Regardless of whether you enjoy hiking or not, the Elbe Sandstone Mountains are definitely worth a trip, especially for those who want to get to know their own country from a completely new perspective.
Blautopf, Blaubeuren, Baden-Württemberg
The deep blue color of the Blautopf near Blaubeuren, which comes into its own when the weather is good, is an absolute feature of the karst spring. It is one of the largest of its kind in Germany, is 21 meters deep and there is an extensive cave system under the surface of the water. Numerous myths and legends entwine around the blue spring, so – according to the legend “Die Schöne Lau” by Eduard Mörike – a water mermaid once lived there. In any case, you can hardly get enough of this deep blue …
AndernachGeysir, GeoparkVulkanland Eifel, Rhineland-Palatinate
Many will think of Icelandic landscapes or the colorful Yellowstone National Park when they hear the word “geyser”. Germany can, however, keep up, because there is a real geyser in the GeoparkVulkanland Eifel. And not just any, but the largest cold-water geyser in the world, which reaches a height of around 60 meters. If you want to experience the natural spectacle for yourself, you can take a boat from the adventure center in Andernach to the geyser, which erupts for eight minutes about every 100 minutes. A real testimony to how strong Mother Nature can be!
Externsteine, Teutoburg Forest, North Rhine-Westphalia
The idiosyncratic sandstone formation in the Teutoburg Forest consists of several 30 meter high rocks that have been worked on by human hands. Since it is still not entirely clear who exactly carved various stairs, corridors, and figures into the rock, the Externsteine is still a bit of a mystery to this day. In any case, archaeological finds from the Paleolithic Age have certainly been found in the area. Century was created by order of the abbots of Werden-Helmstedt. Either way, the rocks are often referred to as a place of power and may have served as a place of worship in one form or another. At the sight, you will recharge your batteries and energy!
Laacher See, Vulkaneifel, Rhineland-Palatinate
Not only do geysers testify to the volcanic violence, but lakes can also do this, for example, the Laacher See, which is located not far from the AndernachGeysir in the crater of the Laacher volcano and is surrounded by a 125-meter high ring. Don’t worry, the volcano last erupted more than 10,000 years ago and according to constant measurements, it is sleeping. Today the Laacher See looks at first glance like any other naturally formed lake if it weren’t for the CO2 bubbles that make the water surface bubble along the east bank and testify to the volcanic activity. Nature is and remains just incredibly exciting!