Preventing Radon in Your Home: Ideas, Strategies and Advice

Get Rid of Radon: A Guide

Radon is a radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer. It’s also the second leading cause of lung cancer, and yet many people don’t know about it or how to prevent radonbrønn

Radon is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas. It forms from the decaying of uranium found in soil or rock which can seep into homes through cracks in walls or floors, unsealed construction joints and gaps around pipes. Between radon being undetectable to people smelling it after it has mixed with other household odors, many homeowners don’t know they have high levels until their home tests positive for them during a voluntary screening program by state environmental protection agencies or mitigation contractors.


High levels of radon are measured in picocuries per liter (pCi/L) rather than parts per million (ppm). The Environmental Protection Agency recommends that you fix your house if the exceeds four pCi/L. But, if you are an average smoker (one pack a day for 30 years), the EPA recommends that your home be fixed at two pCi/L or higher to protect yourself from lung cancer. The good news is there are several easy ways to prevent radon in homes, including sealing cracks and gaps around plumbing, using fans with HEPA filtration systems when cooking or showering so household odors don’t mix with radon gas when it enters through unsealed construction joints.

Radon can also come into your home through sump pump holes in slabs which have flooded basements making them susceptible to radon seeping up through foundation crevices under doors built over floors or crawl spaces where it enters the home through unsealed construction joints and gaps around plumbing.