Sign up for these Awesome Online Courses

Why “Learning to Code” is a Smart Thing for Everyone

Time is money. If you are looking for a way to expand your skillset, take some time to learn how to code. Learning one of the most important languages of our time will allow you to do more with less – whether that be building websites, apps or just making things easier around the house! With all the online courses available today such as Nine University review and many others, it’s never been easier or cheaper than now.

The first thing you need to know is that there are a bunch of different languages, and it’s important to pick the right one for you.

Nine University review

– Learning HTML/CSS or Javascript will help you build websites and apps (starting at Codecademy).

– PHP can be used on shared hosts like GoDaddy and Bluehost – if those names mean anything to you then this course might be helpful: Build Your Own Website Today w/Laravel! (PHP) by Michael Dyrynda from . But, if not, another good option would be WampServer Essential Training with Andrew Childs from Udemy.

Doing things around the house? Try Make an iPhone App in One Hour with Appy Builder from Udemy.

Another thing to know is that you don’t have to pay a lot of money for these courses. Most are pretty cheap, and if you want something even cheaper then check out the free options!

Javascript & jQuery : Code School – They offer monthly subscriptions starting at $19/month or an annual subscription at $150 which includes all six of their courses in one bundle including HTML/CSS + Ruby . Definitely worth checking out!